Mother&Child Ryazan — Group of companies "Mother and child"
16, Sheremetyevskaya st., Ryazan

The Mother and Child Ryazan clinic which opened in February 2015 with a total area of more than 1,400 sq. m. is the first clinic in the Ryazan region to provide IVF services, and is also the only provider of other innovative services in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology such as non-invasive genetic survey of pregnant women as well as modern methods of preimplantation genetic diagnostics. Mother and Child Ryazan provides numerous diagnostic and therapeutic services in paediatrics.

The new out-patient clinic is equipped with two operating rooms that enable to perform endoscopic surgery using state-of-the-art equipment.

Mother and Child Ryazan also has a diagnostic centre, embryological laboratory, sperm bank and a cryo-depository.

You can find more complete and detailed information about the work of medical institutions, doctors, as well as the services provided in clinics by clicking on the link