MD GROUP Biomedicina — Group of companies "Mother and child"
Bystrinskaya str., 22А
Wide range of services
Diagnosis and therapy of a wide range of diseases. Elimination of pathologies of the body only in accordance with the actual data on the state of the body. Doctors do not prescribe unnecessary tests, procedures and drugs.
Qualified staff
A professional team of highly specialised specialists. Our centre employs more than 70 staff members. Comprehensive approach allows us to provide our patients with a full service in carrying out treatment and achieving the best results.
Expert equipment
We have a large list of professional medical equipment in our arsenal - equipping the clinic with the latest hardware complex for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients allows us to provide quality services using innovative methods that show the best results.
We provide services in full compliance with the protocols of the Ministry of Health. Given the epidemiological situation, our centre is particularly concerned about the health of its patients, complying with all requirements for their safety. We use only certified equipment and medicines.

You can find more complete and detailed information about the work of medical institutions, doctors, as well as the services provided in clinics by clicking on the link