MD Ufa Hospital — Group of companies "Mother and child"
4, Lesnoy proezd

The hospital, with a total area of 33,000 sq. m., is fully equipped with the latest-technology and modern medical equipment to handle up to 290,800 out-patient treatments and 30,295 in-patient days, provide approximately 2,000 deliveries and 1,100 IVF cycles per year.

Mother & Child Ufa offers a wide range of high-quality services including deliveries, obstetrics and gynaecology, neonatology, reproductive technologies, paediatrics, surgery, urology, restorative medicine and others.

The hospital includes the first private maternity ward in Bashkortostan. Furthermore, patients are offered a number of other unique services in the region. The hospital includes a stem cell bank, magnetic resonance therapy, an angiograph and an integrated operating room, as well as the first Centre of child health with in-patient and out-patient departments, where children are admitted for diagnostics and treatment in the same medical facility.

You can find more complete and detailed information about the work of medical institutions, doctors, as well as the services provided in clinics by clicking on the link